

The name of the activity might be enough to intimidate anyone. Fire walking is something we witness at village fairs, clap our hands to and take a few pictures, while admiring the performer’s courage and determination. Now, what if we, at Corporate Compass, tell you that you too can perform this feat?

Yes, that’s right! Corporate Compass organizes exclusive fire walk training workshop and fire walking outdoor events as part of corporate group activities. Learn the art of walking on fire, under the supervision of a trained artist and performer, hired by us. Completely let go of your fear and inhibitions as you make yourself and your teammates proud through this activity. Lead by example, motivate those who are afraid to take the step, cheer on your teammates as they attempt the fire walk and live a moment that you can brag about all life long. Impossible is truly nothing!

Offshoot :
The thought of walking on fire may scare most. However, it is only when we overcome our greatest fears that we truly feel a satisfying sense of achievement. We feel even more amazing when we overcome an obstacle with our co-workers. Fire walk aims to drive in that feeling of satisfaction at having overcome a tough situation and the happiness of having done so with the help of your teammates. The activity helps build determination, courage and self-belief. Most of all, it depends on the motivation passed around between members of the team, during the activity.



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