What are some Good Team Building Activities in India?

team building workshops

“Team work is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results.” – Ifeanyi E Onuoha

The foundation of a successful business lies in the communication, execution, and cohesiveness amongst its teams.  In the corporate landscape fostering a strong team building is imperative to the success of a business. 

Team building activities is one of the vital pillars of a business as it makes a great impact on employee performance, their well-being, and overall business output. Today, team building activities are no longer limited to dull seminars that lull you to snooze mode or awkward icebreakers that make you wish to skip training session. Team building activities for small groups or for larger organizations are based on experiences. Such team building games are not only engaging but also fun, memorable, and geared toward building strong bonds.

Remote working has given a whole new perspective and weight to the team building activities for small groups of adults. Corporates now look forward to acquainting their team members with each other and enabling them to develop better bonds and higher engagement, thus resulting in a higher ROI. 

Team building is no longer limited to outbound experiences as was once the norm. With virtual setups indoor team building activities and team building games that spark creativity, and camaraderie are the new norm.  From outbound activities, adrenaline pumping adventures to tailored experiences promoting indoor team building activities for small groups, the realm of team building has expanded multi-fold. 

These experiences are designed to ignite the spark of teamwork like never before.  Let us explore some funny team building activities that are tailored to bring your teams closer and boost their morale. 

1. Scavenger Hunt 

The good old scavenger hunt can never go out of style. It is one classic team building game that creates excitement, and creative thinking and fosters teamwork. This could be tailored to your organization’s needs, can be conducted both virtually and physically with a high engagement from participants. You can explore themes, locations, experiences, learning based on concepts specific to the organization and a lot more. One of the most versatile choices when it comes to team building games.

2. Human Knot 

A very simple team building activity for small groups that is centered around problem-solving, teamwork and communication skills. As participants stand in a circle and grab each other’s hands they create  a ‘knot’ in the process. Untangling the knot without letting go of the hands is the challenge we look forward to in this funny team building activity that requires coordination, cooperation and strategic thinking on art of the group.

3. Human Bingo  

Another funny team building game that encourages participants to interact and know each other. Participants get a bingo card and have to find other people who match the description on their card thus promoting connections, communication and building a sense of camarderie amongst the team members.

4. Adventure Quest

If you are looking forward to a team building activity where your employees prefer a dose of adventure then an outdoor quest  is your go to thing. Some adrenaline rush, an obstacle course, problem-solving followed by learnings and reflections at the end of the day combine to form a unique holsitic experience for the team. One can find the perfect backdrop for such team building activities for small groups of adults, right from lush forests to rugged mountains to bubbling streams and riverbanks, there is no dearth of options to choose from in our country. It is one of the right team building activities for small groups where members learn to trust each other, reflect and get to know their strengths, support and celebrate each other’s victories while accepting the weaknesses and understanding the areas for improvements.

5. Culinary Challenge

Did someone say ‘food’? What better way to bring a team together than through the universal language of love and care that is food! Stir up your team’s success as they compete in a culinary challenge to churn up the most flavourful dishes. When the group of colleagues come together to bake/cook they not only whip gastronomical delgihts but this journey promotes creativity, collaboration, time-management and communication as well. 

In this team building activity for small groups of adults, the teams plan their menus, delegate tasks, and execute their culinary wonders thus honing not just their cooking but collaboration and teamwork in a real sense. 

What results is a treat for the senses and the organisation both in quite a literal sense!

6. Arty Hearty Bonds

Who said art is only for hobby or leisure? Why not bring it into the corporate boardroom and let your teams explore their creative potential with some art work, canvases and paints. Let your team members’ go imaginative as they paint the blank canvas with their out of the box ideas and collective vision. For some it might be cathartic while for others it would be a challenge to participate in a painting workshop aimed as a team building activity for small groups of adults. The possibilites are endless as the team works together discovering hidden artists, imaginations running wild and strokes getting bolder. The team learns to collaborate, communicate and think creatively and develop a sense of appreciativeness for each others work in the process. 

Team building isn’t a one size fits all phenomenon or a one-time event. It is an ongoing journey – one that brings about discovery, growth and transformation to a certain extent. 

Whether it is adventure quest or a scavenger hunt or a culinary challenge the real essence lies in the teams ability to unwind and reconnect with each other. Given the complex and demanding nature of work, as humans we tend to lose our connect with others, and many a times fail to see each other beyond the glass of professionalism. These are some good examples of team building activities that are aimed at building a renewed sens eof purpose and fullfillment among teams. 

A united and engaged workforce is the basic tenet of any business and creates a success story.  By including these team building activities for small groups you can build on engaging, effective and enriching experiences for your teams.