25 DIY Team Building Activities You Can Do in the Office

In the bustling life of boardrooms, where spreadsheets and emails form an entangled mesh,  team building emerges as the guiding light for your employees who scramble to find their way through this mayhem. We kid you not, team building exercises are one of the tried and tested ways to restore cosmic order through the chaos.

Nurturing resilient teams and fostering strong dynamics isn’t just beneficial, it is essential for a modern workplace.  Team building activities play a crucial role in enhancing communication, boosting team morale, and creating a camaraderie among the team members. A study by the Kenexa Research Institute discovered that 50% of the positive changes in communication could be attributed to social interactions outside of work-related matters, which include team building activities. 

Traditional team building activities like an offsite or an annual retreat sound great fun and have been practiced in organizations for a long. However, team building isn’t a one-off event. A more practical and accessible approach to strengthening the bonds among employees in your office and to creating maximum impact is to have such DIY team building activities regularly. 

What is Team Building?

Team building is about bringing your teams together in a more cohesive way through strategies that culminate into effective exercises to promote camaraderie and collaboration. It encompasses activities that are designed to enhance your team’s interpersonal relationships, promote collaboration, and improve communication skills. Team building aims to create an effective and collaborative unit where the team members trust and support each other. In today’s fast-paced corporate setup, and oftentimes the virtual work environment, the need for effective team building has become even more imperative.

Why is Team Building Important?

Despite the fact that team building activities are a staple to building employee relationships and improving interpersonal relations among team members, they are not everyone’s cup of tea. Through in-office team bonding and fun team exercises coworkers learn the value of cooperation and align better with the organizational goals in the long run. It also is a great way to boost the team’s morale which in turn increases the engagement and performance of your team. 

Team building exercises are often met with skepticism because of their unassuming nature and fluidity. However, they play a crucial role in workplace dynamics. It is through in-office team bonding and team building exercises that an organization can promote employee engagement and participation, enhancing communication and fostering a sense of community. This, in turn, boosts employee satisfaction and overall happiness. Studies have indicated that happy employees contribute to higher productivity and thus better business in the long run.

Let us further explore why are team building activities vital for any organization:

1. Enhance Communication

Effective communication is critical for workplace efficiency and collaboration. Office team building exercises are often focused on enhancing communication skills, rendering clarity, and getting the team aligned on tasks and objectives. For any team to function seamlessly it is crucial that the communication amongst its members is clear and effective, and workplace team games and activities take care of this aspect.

2. Boost Morale

Organizing team-building events demonstrates a company’s commitment to employee well-being and engagement. Such DIY team building activities also reflect an appreciation for individuals’ strengths and their interests outside of work. In-office team bonding and fun team activities work towards fostering a supportive environment where team members feel valued and confident in their abilities.

3. Build Trust

One of the most significant by-products of collaborative team bonding activities is trust building! Office team building exercises develop trust among colleagues as they navigate challenges and celebrate their successes together. Observing how team members handle various situations reveals their reliability and strengths, laying a foundation for cohesive teamwork. When employees trust each other they bring about greater collaboration as they share their ideas freely and rely on each other thus creating a reliable culture – one that promotes teamwork. 

4. Encourage Creativity

Team building exercises encourage creativity at the workplace by prompting colleagues to approach tasks from different perspectives. They give more room to thoughts and ideas being exchanged on a regular basis. Embracing flexibility and unconventional solutions during activities can inspire innovative thinking in everyday work projects, thus putting your organization on the path toward success.

5. Enhance Collaboration

Team building fosters a sense of shared purpose and trust, leading to more efficient collaboration on projects and tasks. This is one function that workplaces simply cannot do without. In-office team bonding and conducting DIY team building activities are not just fun events but they directly foster greater collaboration among team members. 

6. Streamline Onboarding

Fun team-building events facilitate smoother integration for new hires, introducing them to colleagues and company culture in a relaxed setting. It accelerates their understanding of team dynamics and communication channels, emphasizing a seamless transition into their roles. This also gives them a cultural context of the organization and the team dynamics that run through the organization. 

When you organize activities that resonate with your teams, it significantly contributes to a thriving company culture. A well-planned team-building event can help management identify leadership strengths among its employees as they uncover their personal strengths through DIY team building activities. 

DIY Team Building Activities

DIY team building activities are no less than pocket-sized magic wands that are quick to implement and easier to conduct. They are cost-effective and inject an instant dose of fun into the daily grind. Another noteworthy attribute of DIY team building activities is that they are practical and straightforward, making them ideal for any workplace. 

Here’s why DIY team building activities are important and effective:

Easily Accessible

No fancy budgets or extensive planning is required to implement DIY activities. They can be as spontaneous as a team lunch to a Secret Santa. You can easily schedule such activities according to your team’s availability and functioning.


DIY team building activities can be customized to address specific team goals or challenges of your teams. Whether it’s improving communication, boosting creativity, or celebrating achievements, there’s an activity for every objective. The more creative you get, the greater the scope for flexibility. 


Such DIY team building activities are one of the best ways to promote inclusivity. They can involve everyone, from interns to executives, right across hierarchies, organizational structures and designations as everyone gets together for in-office team bonding. These workplace team games in reality are great contributors in fostering a sense of equality and unity within the team.

Long-lasting Impact

Engaging in regular DIY team building activities promotes a culture of teamwork and mutual respect. This significantly translates into improved performance of your employees and job satisfaction over a period of time. With practical and minimal planning you may derive long-term benefits of team building through DIY activities.

DIY team building activities offer significant benefits to both employees and organizations alike. Your team members tend to learn the value of cooperation and often showcase unexpected talents. You might discover that your shy and reserved account executives actually have a passion for belting out melodious tunes, while the exuberant sales executive is a sudoku champion. 

They require minimal resources and can be tailored to suit the unique culture and dynamics of your team. Office team building exercises also break down barriers, turning colleagues into confidantes in no time. You would be amazed at the friendly banter the guffaws your team members indulge in after a simple workplace team game that went well. 

So, grab those sticky notes, strike a yoga pose, and let the team-building adventure begin!

25 DIY Team Building Activities You Can Do in the Office

Now, let’s dive into DIY team building activities that are effortlessly easy to organize, enjoyable for your employees to participate in, and strengthen the bonds within your team. 

Here are 25 delightful and unconventional team-building ideas that’ll have your colleagues high-fiving and laughing in no time: 

1. Desk Yoga

Imagine the ergonomic chairs of your workplace as yoga mats! Organize a mini yoga session during lunch break. Bonus points for creative poses like “The Spreadsheet Stretch” or “The Inbox Warrior.” 

Preparation required: You may invite a yoga instructor or use any online tutorial to conduct a 15-minute desk yoga session.

2. Cubicle Karaoke

Arrange for a karaoke machine in the break room or you may even use the online resources or any app to conduct a karaoke session. Encourage your team and coworkers to croon their favorite numbers during coffee breaks or after work hours. Wait and watch for the hidden talent of your team.

Preparation required: A karaoke setup, or a karaoke app with a mic.

3. Sticky Note Art Gallery

Challenge teams to create a gallery of masterpieces using only sticky notes. The twist? Their epic art pieces must depict office life only. Expect sticky note renditions of anything and everything right from the coffee machine, to the printer to the elusive stapler, and maybe even the boss’s stern face coming from a daring few!

Preparation required: Sticky notes, a soft board or sticky wall, sketch pens and markers, and fun energy.

4. Paper Airplane Championship

As quirky as it may sound, it is one of the most effortless DIY team building activities that brings out the inner child inside each one of us. Remember the classroom kid who used to fly paper airplanes? You just need to go back and touch base with that little kid inside you with this activity. You may host an office-wide paper airplane contest. The longest flight wins! Bonus Points if you can hit the water cooler or the coffee machine.

Preparation required: Paper sheets, good old imagination!

5. Emoji Charades

As simple as it may sound, trust this DIY team building activity to bring out roaring laughter as each team member participates and let themselves be silly. Gather everyone together – you may use your meeting room or if the weather permits and the office has space then an open space works wonders. Each participant enacts out an emoji, and the team guesses. Hilarity ensues when someone tries to mime the “face with tears of joy.” 

Preparation required: A cool attitude and openness to being silly.

6. Desk Safari

Transform the office into an adventurous office reserve. Sneak around taking photos of coworkers in their natural habitats—typing, sipping coffee, or staring at spreadsheets. Share the best shots during team meetings or the common portal to lighten up and embrace some team bonding fun. 

Preparation required: A camera or mobile phone, printouts of pictures or upload them on a common portal accessible to everyone.

P.S. Take care that the pictures are not offensive to anyone.

7. Coffee Cup Tower Challenge

Empty coffee cups can give competition to the Leaning Tower of Pisa and become architectural marvels. Teams compete with each other to build the tallest tower using cups and a dash of creativity in this DIY team building activity.

Preparation required: Coffee cups, your creative switch on

8. Post-It Note Pictionary

In this DIY team building activity teams take turns drawing office-related scenes on Post-It notes. The ones who guess the correct scene earn points. The twist? You’ve got 30 seconds per sketch! Get marveled by the creativity of your team while enjoying crazy laughs for the goof-ups.

Preparation required: Post-it notes, whiteboard, and markers.

9. Invisible Obstacle Course

Set up an obstacle course using imaginary hurdles. Watch coworkers tiptoe, crawl, and leap over “invisible” barriers. Make them go through several rounds of these imaginary hurdles and see the throaty laughter. It is a fun team bonding activity that guarantees excitement and fun banter.

Preparation required: A large space to conduct the activity.

10. Desk Chair Relay Race

Teams race around the office on swivel chairs. The catch? They must spin three times before dashing to the next checkpoint. See how interesting and exciting this DIY team building activity gets as teams get competitive to outdo each other. 

Preparation required: Office chairs and space.

11. Office Trivia Hunt

Create a quiz based on company history,  quirky facts, coworkers’ hobbies or industry knowledge. Divide into teams and compete. Teams answer and then race to find hidden treasures like the missing stapler or the legendary lost pen).

Preparation required: Quiz to be prepared, clues and treasure trail to be prepared.

12. Emoji Storytelling 

Write a collaborative story using only emojis. The more obscure, the better. Decode the tale during a team lunch. This is sure to bring about a hilarious twist into your regular workday as your teams get into fits of laughter decoding the emojis in this fun DIY  team building activity.

Preparation required: Paper, pens, creativity.

13. Origami Challenge

Provide origami paper and instructions for creating office-themed shapes to your team members. Ask them who can fold the best flamingo or the most convincing paper airplane. Watch as your participants scramble against each other to get the best folds done in the shortest time. It is an effortless DIY activity for team building that is equal parts creative and fun.

Preparation required: Paper, creativity.

14. Desk Potluck

Each team brings a homemade dish. You have to inform your team members beforehand so that they prepare a day in advance and are ready for this easy DIY team building activity. The twist. They may share a story related to their food item or any food custom or childhood. The more crazy or fun it is, the more laughter would follow.

Preparation required: Inform team 2-3 days in advance.

15. Team Jigsaw Puzzle

Divide a jigsaw puzzle among teams. Assemble it during breaks. The first team to complete their puzzle wins bragging rights. A really simple and cool way to introduce DIY team building activities.

Preparation required: Arrange for Jigsaw puzzles, and designate a time for the activity. 

16. Creative Workspace Makeover

Allow teams to redecorate their workspace collaboratively. This not only instills team bonding but also lets the creative juices flow. Watch out for seamless transformation and quirky makeovers. They may even try doing it in a themed way.

Preparation required: Inform in advance, collect decorative items, and designate a time for the activity. 

17. Team Book Club

For the readers and literary enthusiasts, this is a golden opportunity to keep up with their reading. Choose a book to read together and discuss insights. One of the easiest ways to try a DIY team building activity. 

Preparation required: Announce the book, and designate a time for the activity. 

18. Ice Cream Social

Ever wondered if your favorite treat could make its way to the corporate boardroom while you get to savor it as well? A really fun way to implement a quick DIY team bonding activity is to host an ice cream social with various toppings for team members to create their own sundaes. The drool-worthy toppings and flavors are sure to up the calorie counter. Teams get connected and know each other in a more casual way. 

Preparation required: Arrange for ice creams and DIY stations for teams to make their own sundaes.

19. Team Building Bingo

Create bingo cards with activities like “high-five everyone in your department.” The simplest of activities that are meant to be fun and induce camaraderie in the team could be included in these bingo cards.

Preparation required: Prepare bingo cards, and little tokens of appreciation to the winners.

20. Team Movie Night

Cozy up with your team in a movie night setup. Screen a movie in a conference room or outdoors if possible. You could even conduct this virtually where everyone watches the movie in a livestream. 

Preparation required: A setup for playing the movie and seating arrangement. Some snacks to munch on.

21. Memory Lane

Create a timeline of company milestones with team contributions. It could be either virtual or put up in any gallery where everyone admires the cool achievers.

Preparation required: A sticky wall or a soft board for creating the memory lane, an app, or a company website for a virtual setup.

22. Board Game Bonanza

What other than board games make it feel like the true camaraderie and bonhomie that one feels with their fellows?  Bring in classic games like Monopoly or Scrabble for a fun session during breaks.

Preparation required: Board Games, scorecards.

23. Office Sports Tournament

Organize a mini sports event like table tennis, desk cricket or even foosball. Watch out for the competitive streak unleashed among your team members as they vie for the winning trophy. 

Preparation required: Sports equipment, team spirit.

24. Team TED Talk

Let’s accept the fact that all of us have nurtured a secret desire to be up on that stage and give a TED talk of our own. Well, here’s your chance to turn your team’s vision into reality by inviting the team members to give short talks on relevant topics.

It would be a cool way to see interesting stories and ideas tumbling out and finding their way into the spotlight. 

Preparation required: Mic, Spotlight. Inform your team in advance.

25. Gratitude Wall

Create a wall of gratitude for team members where they share notes of appreciation for each other. Sit back and watch kindness spread like graffiti all over. It is one of the coolest and simplest ways to inculcate team bonding and nurture team spirit in your workplace. 

Preparation required: A dedicated corner with sticky notes, pens, markers, and a sticky wall.

These DIY team building activities are designed to promote teamwork, communication, and morale, all the while being quite easy to implement at your workplace. The idea is to have team building exercises at the workplace that require minimal preparation and effort while keeping the momentum going. When you go ahead and try out elaborate activities they often don’t see the light of the day because of the time and resources they require. However, DIY activities are quick, effective ways to introduce team building to your workplace in a jiffy. 

Whether you aim to improve collaboration, celebrate achievements, or simply have fun together these DIY team building activities are a sure-shot way to build a positive and cohesive workplace culture. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead, gather your team, pick an activity from the above, and watch as the bonds in your organization strengthen and productivity soars after these simple and fun DIY team building activities. Happy team building!