National Security


90-120 Mins

Group Size

24-300 Participants



Mode of delivery

In Person

Activity Description

National Security is a dynamic business simulation that places participants in the roles of ideators, manufacturers, and sellers tasked with fulfilling urgent weapons requirements from the military. Through strategic planning and decision-making, teams must compete to secure the largest market share while meeting strict deadlines, quality standards, and customer needs. This engaging and thought-provoking simulation challenges participants to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions that put the customer first, while emphasizing the critical importance of national security. Additionally, it serves as an excellent platform for team building in Mumbai, fostering collaboration and problem-solving skills among participants.

Activity Brief

In the National Security business simulation activity, the participants are encouraged to think and act like ideators, manufacturers, and sellers to fulfil the urgent weapons requirements of the military and gain the largest market share. By taking on the roles of private companies in the Defence industry, the participants are given a unique opportunity to experience the challenges and rewards of competing in this highly regulated and strategic industry. 

The activity is designed to emphasize customer centricity, where the participants must focus on the needs and requirements of the military as their primary customers. They must work within a given budget to purchase component designs, manufacture components, assemble equipment and sell it to the DRDO. The game is conducted over four quarters, each lasting 16 minutes of game time. 

During the game, DRDO representatives will visit the participants’ rooms regularly, allowing them to make their offers of sale or ask questions at any time. All usual modes of communication are open during the quarter, giving participants the opportunity to strategize and collaborate with their team members. Each purchase made during the game must be recorded by the purchaser to ensure accountability.

Key Focus Area

out-of-box-thinking icon

Customer Centricity

games for team

Strategic thinking

industry-insight icon

Business Acumen

Activity Gallery

Is this right for your team

Ideal for

National Security simulation can be ideal for companies that want to focus on developing customer-centric solutions and building effective teams. Through this activity, teams can learn how to work together cohesively, communicate effectively, and understand the importance of customer-centricity in their business approach. They will also get the opportunity to hone their problem-solving and decision-making skills in a competitive yet safe environment. Works best with managerial and above level teams. 

A must attend simulation for Sales and Marketing teams. 

Chosen By

Aditya Birla Capital logo

Space Requirement

National Security business simulation activity can be conducted in a spacious indoor area such as a conference room, banquet hall, or a large meeting room. 


 Its adaptability makes it possible to customize the experience to specific industries, regions, or business goals, which makes it the best option for team building in Mumbai.


Million Dollar challenge is a fun based Team Building Activity where you have to invest an amount and generate higher returns

Participants have to perform and complete certain task

Overview of the task will be provided to you basis which you have to select your own task 

The team which completes maximum number of  tasks and generate highest returns will be declared as the winner

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