Team-Building Games That Your Employees Would Love to Play

Top 5 Team-Building Games That Your Employees Would Love to Play


Company Success is mainly reliant on how quick and in what way its employees connect with each other for joint benefit. And this wide-ranging collection of top 5 team-building games willdefinitely help you do just that! A renowned management expert and author of the celebrated book “The One Minute Manager”- Ken Blanchard came up with an excellent quote that goes like this – “None of us is as smart as all of us”, simple yet words with significance. Teamwork has been at the focus stage since many years as much as employee-focused initiatives are concerned and its worth in fetching workplace happiness has continued to be non-debatable. The article below attempts to capture and offer top 5 team-building games for indoor or corporate team outings that will help to instill fun and creativeness in your efforts to construct organizational ‘dream team/s’.

1. Egg Drop
Though messy on the surface, it is high on partnership and engagement. Egg Drop is a best team building game for companies in Mumbai that seek to unite groups on creative problem solving.The whole plan is to form egg package/carrier that can keep the raw egg intact by sustaining a 2-3 floor drop. The material required for preparing the package generally includes straws, plastic, tape, rubber band, balloons, newspapers and the complete activity lasts for around 1 to 1.5 hours. The corporate team that endures this free fall is the champion. Just in case of a tie between two teams, increasing the elevation for the egg-fall aids as a tiebreaker.

2. Talking In Circles
This is a very fun and thought-provoking game that many team building companies in Mumbai include in their activity packages. ‘Talking in Circles’ requires lot of communication and harmonization among the teammates.In this game, the group is instructed to stand in a circle round a long portion of string knotted at the ends to build a circle. Next, the group is asked to produce shapes with the string such as rectangle, square, triangle and figure 8 to name a few. In order to grow the difficulty level, the team members can even be asked to close their eyes (or be blindfolded) and repeat the same exercise. To promote the intricacy of task, random team members possibly will be “muted” at various times by this means making communication more challenging. Also, this activity tests the stage of leadership and trust in a group.

3. Two Sides Of Coin
Building on the undying notion of positive & negative from a sole experience, a team of 2 or even more come together and debate on a situation. For example, if there are 2 team members, Partner A will share something negative that occurred in their life with Partner B. It can be either a personal or a professional memory, but most importantly a true incident. Then, Partner A too discusses the similar memory again, but would be emphasizing on the bright side with optimistic takeaways. Partner B helps throwing light on the silver lining of the bad experience. Later, they alter roles. This short yet successful activity helps team mates see the best in things and people as well as defies the preconceived views.

4. Scavenger Hunt
This best team building activity for corporate outings by no means fails to amuse and always inspires teams to co-operate creatively. Split the group into 2 or more teams according to the overall strength of participants. Prepare a list of items to be searched or things to be done by each team with a set limit. The first team to realize all the planned tasks wins! This activity can be made more exciting by including riddles, suspense clues, fascinating twists etc. to lead their way to ultimate items. Scavenger Hunts are famous in fostering teamwork and resourcefulness among inter-functional and non-related groups.

5. Memory Wall
Nothing bonds employees of the companies better than positive experiences through team building and memories made along the work timeline.Create a whiteboard and dispense stick-it notes among the team members. Note down work-related themes on the whiteboard like “My 1st Day”, “Work Travel Diaries”, “Group Celebrations”, “Team’s mode of working” and so on. Let people note down different team memories and top accomplishments linked to any of the subject written on the whiteboard. Teams will be left with nostalgic enduring smiles on their faces for a long time.