Million Dollar Challenge


120-180 Mins

Group Size

12-300 Participants


Indoor and / or Outdoor

Mode of delivery

In Person

Workshop Description

Million Dollar Challenge is a perfect team building workshop for your team if you are looking to foster “Collaboration” as a major outcome, particularly in the realm of corporate team building activities. In this thrilling challenge, team members get an opportunity to invest millions of dollars in order to generate millions of dollars in return by completing various indoor or outdoor team tasks. The challenge focuses on how much all teams can generate collectively, emphasizing collaboration over competition.

Workshop Brief

The premise of the workshop revolves around the king of a wealthy kingdom who is looking to expand his empire by building an “Alpha Team”. The participating teams who are ambitious citizens of the kingdom need to qualify for becoming part of “Alpha Team” by successfully completing “Million Dollar Challenge”.

All teams loaded with initial funds need to strategically plan their investments and tasks to maximize the returns for the kingdom. The returns are based on how many tasks they complete. Teams cant invest in all the tasks because of limited funds. That is why it becomes very important for them to select the tasks based on their team strengths. 

The ultimate twist awaits all the teams at the end where they realize that there was an alternate course of actions possible for completing the challenge in a faster, easier, and more productive way. Additionally, incorporating indoor games for office settings can provide a refreshing break and foster creativity among team members, making them perfect for corporate team building activities.

Key Focus Area


risk-management icon

Risk Management

instilling-vission-and-nission icon

Goal Alignment

games for team

strategic Planning

Workshop Gallery

Is this right for your team

Ideal for

If your cross-functional teams need to work together and regularly collaborate to achieve a common goal, Million Dollar Challenge is a perfect workshop for them. The message of teamwork and collectivism is shared very powerfully. The usual themes which come out in the debrief are leveraging each other’s strengths, standing for each other’s success for team success, focusing on a common goal, and the potential that a team carries if team members collaborate intentionally. Moreover, it is recognized as one of the best team building activities for enhancing collaboration and synergy within diverse teams.

Chosen By

Space Requirement

Since there are multiple indoor / outdoor tasks, open spaces are required for this workshop. It can be delivered in a banquet hall along with lawn area or open ground.


This workshop is open for customization wherein, based on the desired outcomes, the premise, storyline, and sub activities can be altered. The organizational values can also be integrated while adhering to a few criteria. Employer branding is a possibility. Additionally, incorporating team building activities virtual can enhance participant engagement and foster remote collaboration.


Million Dollar challenge is a fun based Team Building Activity where you have to invest an amount and generate higher returns

Participants have to perform and complete certain task

Overview of the task will be provided to you basis which you have to select your own task 

The team which completes maximum number of  tasks and generate highest returns will be declared as the winner

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